Submit a Project

All invitations for the 2025 Adobe Certified Professional U.S. National Championship Fall Qualifier have been sent. Congratulations to the Fall Qualifiers! If you did not receive an invitation but would like to compete in the 2025 championship, you can submit a project to the Spring Qualifier starting on December 21, 2024. The deadline for the Spring Qualification period is May 2, 2025. 

To qualify for the U.S. National Championship. First, a student must pass one of the following exams by the end of the qualification period:

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Adobe Illustrator

After the student passes an exam, they must submit an original design project with accompanying source files (Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and/or InDesign).

Designers who are typically chosen to compete at Certiport’s Adobe Certified Professional Championship submit projects that could be used for a business setting. When submitting a project, students should consider including:

  • Both text and graphical design
  • A call-to-action (where applicable)
  • Preparing the file for digital OR print distribution (where applicable)
  • Original artwork
  • A variety of design elements (such as shape, color, space, form, line, value, and texture)

Students can submit an original design project even if it does not include all the items listed.

Ready to earn an invitation to compete?

Submit now!

At Certiport’s Adobe Certified Professional U.S. National Championship, student competitors are asked to create assets for a business setting. At the 2024 Championship, designers created posters and social media assets for the Cook Center for Human Connection. Designers who are selected to compete may be asked to design a similar project.

Swipe through the 2024 projects below.



If you see an "Oops! File not found." error after submitting the form, don’t worry—your submission was received and processed. No need to resubmit.

Upload your project for our judges today!

Please complete all of the fields marked with an asterisk (*).